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Iowa Rescue plan

I am recommending a multi-phase “Iowa Rescue Plan” to Gov. Kim Reynolds and the people of Iowa, using some of the $1.48 billion in American Rescue Plan dollars allotted to our state by Congress and President Biden. The detailed proposals are linked below.


The Iowa General Assembly adjourned May 18 without providing guidance or oversight to the governor regarding how the federal money can be used in the best interests of Iowans. Though the Legislature as a whole has blinked, I believe we each have a responsibility to continue advocating for the common good and the needs of our constituents.


I invite the people of House District 100 and all Iowans to recommend ideas by contacting me at I also hope that other legislators will weigh in, both Republicans and Democrats. By no means do I have a monopoly on ideas or knowledge of the needs and opportunities before us.


Along with other Iowa Democrats, I am pleased that our state has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to partner with President Biden to support pandemic response, relief and recovery through the American Rescue Plan. Help is here!


Phase 1: Investing in public health infrastructure


Phase 2: Turbo-charging travel and tourism


Phase 3: Prioritizing environmental health


Phase 4: Growing a Resilient Food System that Works for Everyone


Phase 5: Prioritizing Care Workers, Brain Health and Substance Use Recovery

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Paid for by the Campaign for the Common Good - Isenhart for Iowa House. Copyright 2018.

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